Indoor Exercise Gyms for Kids: Fun Meets Fitness


Physical activities in Hot Ground Gym for example involving strength and resistance are often controversial, even among professionals and scholars. Bodybuilding, for example, divides opinions between groups that consider it harmful for children and adolescents and others that believe it to be beneficial for this same public, as long as it is well supervised. 

What Exercises For Children Are Recommended In Each Age Group? 

According to the guidelines published by Pediatrics, exercise in indoor exercise gym for kids begins in early childhood. 

Follow the activities and recommended times for each age group.

Children aged 0 to 2 years 

Recommended activities: 

Babies not yet dragging or crawling can pull and push objects, moving their heads, body, and shoulders.

Crawling babies and children who walk alone can roll over, stand, move from side to side, hop, skip, and run.

Daily activity time: at least 180 minutes spread throughout the day.

The recommended time for using screens (TV, tablet, cell phone and electronic games) is zero.

 Children aged 3 to 5 

Recommended activities: 

Active games, cycling, water activities, and games with or without a ball.

The child can also practice physical exercises such as swimming, dancing, fighting, and team sports.

Daily activity time: at least 180 minutes spread throughout the day.

Recommended time for using screens: maximum 2 hours per day.

 Children and teenagers aged 6 to 19 

Recommended activities: 

Those that make your breathing quicken, and your heart beat faster, such as cycling, swimming, playing in the playground, running, jumping, and ball games, among others that have at least the intensity of a walk.

Young people should also be encouraged to play different sports and get involved in games in the community in which they live.

Activities capable of strengthening muscles and bones should be performed at least 3 times a week and may include jumping, pushing, pulling, and supporting or supporting your body weight.

Activities that involve flexibility can also be carried out 3 times a week. A good option is yoga for children, which, in addition to flexibility, helps develop body awareness, concentration, and stress management, among other benefits.

Daily activity time: at least 60 minutes spread throughout the day, with more time may bring additional health benefits.

Recommended time for screens: maximum 2 hours per day, disregarding the time used to carry out school activities on the computer.

More than knowing how old you can start going to the gym, it is important to note that well-guided physical exercise is fundamental for a healthy childhood and better development and body awareness from birth to adolescence.

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